Scissor Saver Razor Snips
Loon Silicone Small Caddy
Hends Pearl Body Quills
Loon Line Up Kit
Hends Dry Wing Fly Floating
Loon Lochsa Floatant
Loon Leader Straightener
Loon Aquel Floatant
Loon Up and Down Kit
Loon Line Cleaning Tool
Loon Line Speed
Loon Stream Line
Tied for us by Robert Smith, expert fly fisher and fly dresser and author of 'The North Country Fly, Yorkshire's Soft Hackle Tradition'
One of the classic spider patterns and a favourite of many.
Blade's Purple Dun
Parachute Adams
GRHE Dry Fly
Olive Paradun
Treacle Parkin
Scud Bug
Rob's Baetis
Pheasant Tailed Nymph
Snipe and Purple Spider
Stewart's Black Spider
Fiery Brown Klinkhamer Special
Tan Klinkhamer Special