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Ephemera TRAME 14/0 Flat Silk Au Ver á Soie

Trame is a 14/0 untwisted flat silk from Au Ver à Soie perfect for small flies.

A Classic pure silk thread from the historic Parisian company Au Ver á Soie, owned by the same family since it's naissance in 1820 and now run by Marc Boucher, 5th generation of the family line.  This spans deep into the history of North Country fly tying.  The silk is dyed in hanks to garuantee perfect uniformity.  Certainly a worthy material for Classic Wet flies and North Country spiders.

Some would argue that Pearsall's, now defunct, is a reference point for classic tying silk, at least the colours of Pearsall's chart are often quoted in fly tying recipes.  The good news is that Au Ver á Soie Ephemera has you covered with a good range of colours including a number of orange shades that hover around the mythical 6A!

Presented on beautiful wooden bobbins that will fit a standard bobbin holder.

50m per spool