Scissor Saver Razor Snips
Loon Silicone Small Caddy
Hends Pearl Body Quills
Loon Line Up Kit
Hends Dry Wing Fly Floating
Loon Lochsa Floatant
Loon Leader Straightener
Loon Aquel Floatant
Loon Up and Down Kit
Loon Line Cleaning Tool
Loon Line Speed
Loon Stream Line
Broadly imitate a wide range of upwings in the emerging and spinner stages.
The bodies are made from wound feather and they have a CDC wing in addition to front hackle.
Barbless Japanese high carbon steel hooks for great hooking and holding.
Ultra Fishing Head Torch
Hends Buzzer Body 8 colours
Sybai Camel Dubbing Packets
Knapek Barbless Wet Fly Hooks (W)
Hends Cactus MicroChenille 1mm 9 Colours
Knapek Barbless Lake Hooks (L)
Semperfli Inferno Boar Bristles
Semperfli Iridescent Thread
Sybai Icelandic Flash Wool Dubbing
Virtual Nymph FLEXIBODY the original
Flexi Floss
Web Flash Foil - 5 Colours